

To the scientist the aim of alchemy seems only to be the transmutation of base metals into gold. Though some alchemists were concerned solely with this, many were serious and dedicated thinkers who used alchemical symbols and ideas to probe religious, philosophical and psychological issues.

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Haiku is a form of poetry which is written in seventeen syllables. Each poem contains a word that refers to the season described in the haiku. The following haiku are by the three greatest haiku poets of Japan. (All translations are by R. H. Blyth)

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Conformity is the system…


“We’re a virus in a climate-controlled environment…”
Circo’s On-going Documentary


Conformity is the system…

Systems are vessels. Containing structures. Systems are containers filled up with the abstract substance called power…

Circo de Poesia is a drain to the System…  or to say it poetically: a gas leak in your car, a drilling question inside your mind, it’s the propaganda against the system’s propaganda, the bolt, volitionally un-screwing itself loose from the Machine.

All Systems as containers of power, share the sheer influence and protection of their volume with those who work to maintain it. Those who drain it are ‘cut off’, ‘sealed’, ‘contained’. A container, for sure understands how to contain.

As a response to these means of control, we’ve devised a map for unfolding. A simple guide for un-stapling one’s allegiance to the box. We’ve become the saliva willingly plastered over the tape’s glue, we’re the defective flap that doesn’t permit the package to seal tight.

We’re defective and that’s our victory. Our standard is the crack and the missing part…

Systems above all, insist and rely upon homogeneity. We’re the sore thumb that sticks out with a magnified fingerprint that doesn’t closely match. We’re patterns outside of their Pattern Radars. As of yet unclassifiable, we must be isolated until declared harmless. Or defined and classified…

We don’t even blink. We drain meaning even from language. Certainly from definitions. Directly, we mine –therefore undermining- every word to bits and pieces. We don’t say what you’re reading but we’re quite sure you know what we mean… We’re saying tomorrow only if you’re gonna be there with us…

Systems are linear constructs. Specialization –therefore exclusion- is what makes the whole system work. By each bolt not being each other nut and lever, the machine is able to operate… linked individuality produces a valuable output. Individuality by itself, however, is considered worthless. What’s the use of one bolt, one nut, one lever compared to the use of the entire machine? There’s no intrinsic value to an object whose only worth is derived from interacting in conjunction with an entire set. Individuality then, in this system, assures the person feelings of worthlessness and ultimately, individuality acts as a cell.

Circo suggests instead  a w-holistic approach to drawing lines of flight. We’d like to suggest a manual for un-screwing, for un-fastening. We lube ourselves un-tight… By sheer will and conviction, we’ve amputated ourselves from the metal construct. And as we became detached from it, we saw the machine of progress leave us behind, stranded in the dirt…

That was our first claim to freedom: we had un-become…

To pin-point of course, the end of something is nothing more than marking the beginnings of something else. ‘Amputated’ from the machine’s ‘operational code’, we were forced to begin imagining from entirely new vocabularies. We couldn’t think anymore in relation to a construct we were no longer part of. We, officially, started thinking, for the first time outside the box…

And what’s outside the box?

The entire physical universe. That is, every other potentiality before excluded by the frontiers and walls of the containing box. Thinking outside the box for us meant becoming psychonauts, it meant exploring, once ourselves had recognized the advantages of being unplugged, the precise science of how-to-unplug…

For we realized something very powerful:

as a psychonaut, what you behold is the possibility of what you can become…


1.     Compromiso o Compro-Miso    Spanish

        To Commit or just to meet?    English